Thursday June 5, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
Looking at curricula within a school from an advanced student perspective, but with the mindset that all learners deserve a challenging curriculum. Our school shifted to advanced classes for all students based on the belief that every student deserves access to a challenging and enriching curriculum. This model fosters a growth mindset, encourages collaboration among diverse learners, and cultivates a culture of high expectations for all.
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Dr. Amy L. Holland

Educator, Bentonville Schools
I am originally from Arkansas, WOO PIGS! I graduated from the University of Arkansas majoring in Elementary Education. I later obtained a Master's from the University of Phoenix specializing in Curriculum & Instruction. Currently, I am working on my doctorate in E-Learning from Northcentral... Read More →
Thursday June 5, 2025 3:00pm - 4:00pm CDT
Rock Island VI-VII 11301 Financial Centre Pkwy, Little Rock, AR 72211, USA

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